international support dropped so much in the second term of
Bush's presidency because voters in most of the United States’ allies were
opposed to Bush’s policies in the Middle East. This resulted in a drop in the
popularity of leaders that were supporting Bush. In response to voters’
demands, most leaders withdrew their support of Bush’s policies.
In the Pacific, the Japanese Empire reigned supreme, defeating Allied forces on land and at sea. The first real contest of American Naval power against the Japanese in the Battle of the Coral Sea ended with a draw, but laid the foundation for a shocking American victory at Midway just one month later.
Both houses vote on the bill again.
Conference committee are formed to settle differences between House and Senate versions
of the same bill. If changes were made by the Senate, the differences
between its version of the bill and the House version of the bill have
to be resolved.
The idea of John Stuart Mill about the freedom is that which pertains to the ability of the person to be free to express himself. He justified the freedom of an individual to have social control. This differs to the freedom as a consumer choice because this pertains to an entirely different topic.