Republican motherhood
Republican motherhood became the new role for women following the American Revolution. This gave women a specific place in society which gave them the duty to have American children and raise them morally and with good civic values.
Though this may seem like a slight to women when some wanted rights in particular the right to vote, it was a privilege for many women. This duty gave women their role in society that men could not intrude on or take away. The two genders were given very specific and separate roles for the new society. Men were responsible for making money and establishing an economy in addition to participating in government. Women were expected to take care of social and cultural concerns in particular raising children and teaching them morality, reading, writing, and civics. This role was critical to maintaining and continuing the revolutionary ideas and spirit. It would be women who taught and carried on the identity associated with Americanism.
Answer: The Democratic Republican Party and the Federalists
The Federalists wanted a strong federal government whereas the DRP defended states' rights.
They disagreed on central banking, Hamilton(Federalist) wanted to have a federal entity to control the issuing of money(a central bank) which Jefferson(DRP) strongly opposed since the power of the bankers to control monetary creation would endanger individual liberties.
They disagreed on their interpretation of the Constitution, someone like Marshall (Chief Justice of the USA, 1800-1835) defended a loose interpretation of the Constitution whereas Jefferson stood for a strict interpretation of the Constitution.
The quota system limited the amont of foreigners/immagrants allowed in the US from each different foreign country.
Th group affected most by this were the Europeons.
The origin of music is unknown as it occurred prior to recorded history
Prehistoric music, once more commonly called primitive music, is the name given to all music produced in preliterate cultures (prehistory), beginning somewhere in very late geological history. Prehistoric music is followed by ancient music in most of Europe (1500 BC) and later music in subsequent European-influenced areas, but still exists in isolated areas