C. The though of the confined creature was so dreadful to him that he forgot the heat and went forward to the cylinder to help turn.
Ogilvy went towards the cylinder to turn it upside down but the heat of cylinder was so heavy that he could not move his hands close to the cylinder. It was formed of glowing metal and it was excessively heated that if Ogilvy touches it he could burn his own hands.
I would say this would classify as a downward comparison as the person is talking about Mark who has a poorer job situation than him and this could be used to bolster the speaker's ego or to knock poor Mark or could just be an observation.
He is called "Slam" because of his dunking ability
The only one I can think of off the top of my head is "Sad Song" by We The Kings
I'm not sure how to explain why it relates, so you'll have to figure that out yourself. ^^'
It is part of human nature. The drive to become rich, and to take the gold, is the whole reason that the dwarves started off in the first place. They were greedy for the wealth. They were blinded to the position that they were in. Even when Bilbo took the Arkenstone Thorin didn't pay attention, and turned his back on him.