The largest land mammal extant today is the African bush elephant. The largest extinct land mammal known was long considered to be Paraceratherium orgosensis, a rhinoceros relative thought to have stood up to 4.8 m (15.7 ft) tall, measured over 7.4 m (24.3 ft) long and may have weighed about 17 tonnes.
The traditional beliefs led to sparsely population is explained below in details.
A custom is a belief or practice established down within an organization or society with figurative meaning or particular importance with roots in the past.
A basic source of population increase that addresses this rural-to-urban transformation states that as nations urbanize and industrialize, household size typically reduces and incomes traditionally improve. Though this may not be correct in all circumstances, it is a general belief that is compatible across cultural lines.
B dry because winter and summer are dry
In the Atlantic tropical cyclone basin, which includes the Atlantic Ocean. The distinct stages of hurricane development are defined by the "sustained." At this stage, it is given a name and is considered a threat. Tropical cyclones are one of the biggest threats to life and property. Of course this natural diseaster is considered a hazard but it is believed to be called multi-hazard because it affects more than one thing when it stricks. Life and property.
I hope this helps :)