The amount of Compensation expense to Year 1 is $153,333.
Stock options granted 92000
X Fair value on date of grant 5
Total compensation expense 460000
Years 3
Compensation expense per year 1 53333
Therefore, The amount of Compensation expense to Year 1 is $153,333.
Financial markets help to efficiently direct the flow of savings and investment in the economy in ways that facilitate the accumulation of capital and the production of goods and services.
FV: 1000
PV: -920
I/Y: 6/2= 3
N: 9(2)= 18
CPT PMT: 24.1833
this payment is for semi annually, the question asks for annual so:
24.1833(2)= 48.37
C. low-income countries characterized by limited industrialization and stagnant economies
Emerging markets are economies of developing countries. They are traditional economies based on the export of raw material and subsistence agriculture. Emerging markets are trying to move away from these types of economies by investing in manufacturing and adopting mixed economy models. Emerging markets are transitioning from low income and less developed to industrialized economies with higher standards of living.
Lower than average per capita income characterizes emerging markets. They also experience moderate economic growth compared to the developed economy. However, emerging markets are presenting investors with an opportunity for high returns due to their rapid growth.