Answer: Your answer is B
Explanation: Because unicellular organism are very simple organisms such as bacteria.
When the nurse has observed of a patient who runs a ventricular
tachycardia, it would likely show that their no presence of P waves, there is a
wide QRS complex in the monitor and the rate would range between 100 to 250, if
all manifest this in the monitor, it is likely that the patient has ventricular
tachycardia. The medication that the nurse should give to the client who has
exhibit this should have an anti-dysrhythmic drugs, that is important in the
first line of treatment. Drugs of these kind include, lidocaine, procainamide
and even amiodarone. If there is a need to correct the rhythm, it is likely
that cardioversion is given as a treatment.
Answer: C. Their camera
Toolmarks are the impressions left by an object or tool on it's contact surface. Toolmarks are searched and collected in a crime scene to relate a link with the tool which has created them. In crime scene investigation, toolmarks found in the scene of crime should be photographed by the analyst in close range, mid range and overview range shots in order to record it's original location, shape, size and number if multiple tool marks are present.
Thomas Malthus was economist who proposed that human populations grow faster than the resources they depend on which becomes limiting factor for them, causing the increase of populations but also increase of famine and diseases. As a consequence, the weakest members die. Darwin linked this with the “survival of the fittest" (naturals elections favors the best suited for reproduction and survival).
Georges Cuvier was anti-evolutionist and religious man, but he did have influence on Darwin theory of evolution (natural selection). He was against linear system of classification so, his believes that there is more than one lineage for species helped Darwin shaped his theory.
Charles Lyell geologists who believed that geologic processes that were at the beginning of time were the same ones that were happening at the current time (processes work the same way through time). He explained that slow changes built up over time, so Darwin linked that with the way that life on Earth changes. (small adaptations that accumulated over long periods of time change a species).