An unequal relationship between territories that is
based on domination and subordination.
Landlocked State:
A state that is completely surrounded by other countries.
Geometric Boundaries:
Boundaries that follow straight lines and do not have much
to do with natural boundaries.
Federal States:
Governments that give their local territories autonomous power and do not have central control
of the entire country.
The theory, support, or process by which one state seeks to annex a territory governed by another state
Completely separate holdings that lie within another country.
Central America has a tropical humid climate.
It would have effects on humans because it would Create widespread beach and cliff erosion, damaging coastal property and infrastructure. Make flood insurance unaffordable and unviable. Lead to salt-water intrusion in coastal aquifers, accelerating corrosion of waste- and storm-water drainage systems and affecting water quality and water resources.
veryyyyy iiiiiinnnnnttttteeeeerrrrreeeeesssssttttiiiiiiiinnnnnngggggggg question