Mass society theory
Sometimes the motivations for large protests organized by college activists are criticized. Highly organized and attended protests in Washington, D.C., are seen as "spring break" for activists, who take part more for an escape and to belong to something than for anything else. What theory would support this critique?
Mass society theory is one of the earliest theories of social movement, mass society theory is a social movement that attract socially isolated people(individuals) seeking a sense of identity and purpose, it argue that individual in a large society who feel insignificant are brought together by a sense of belonging in which movement member would not have as an individual.
Mass society is a complex concept that it basic idea might be used by extremist movement to lure venerable individual
ideologically this concept of mass society has been used by conservative thinkers and other organisation of the society to express dismay about it process that individuals who partook in protests are just people who are socially isolated with no sense of actual commitment but for significant sake and sense of belonging.
Defer the proposal to the next meeting because of a loss if quorum
The deliberation has to be postponed because the available members are not up to the required number of members required to be available for voting and deliberation to commence and the recuse of The investigator because of the conflict of interest facilitated it because he is not allowed to partake in the deliberation and voting.
This could happen during times especially hard for the nation, such as after the WWII, and when no other alternatives were really available.
For example, when Eisenhower was asked to be the president, the current president, Truman, was very unpopular. Truman was a Democrat, and the democrats did now believe he could win re-election, and as Eisenhower was very popular at the time they tried to win him over to their side. In the end however, Eisenhower run as a democrat.
Biology is the natural science that studies life and living organisms, including their physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, physiological mechanisms, development and evolution. Despite the complexity of the science, certain unifying concepts consolidate it into a single, coherent field