In general, it is true that Mao was a visionary who slowly lost touch with reality as time went on. He mostly failed in many ways because he tried to push for reforms that his people were not ready for.
Ordinance is a temporary law issued by the President of India on the advice of Union Cabinet allowing the government to take immediate legislative action. Ordinances will expire on completion of 6 months from the date of its issue.
An act is made whenever Government wants to implement changes in the existing law or new law to be brought in, they will make a ‘Draft Bill’ (a document containing the details of the proposed changes/new law)
Cardinal Richelieu served as King Louis XIII's Chief Minister (sometimes also called First Minister) from 1624. He sought to consolidate royal power and crush the odds against him.
The effect of the Cold War in Guatemala was that Castillo Armas outlawed the communists, imposed a harsh military dictatorship, and set off an era of repression that has still to end in Guatemala. More than 200,000 persons have been killed in Guatemala from 1954 to the present by anti-communist regimes. In Chile, the result of the Cold War brought Fidel Castro to power...