Jean Jacques Rousseau from his book The Social Contract (1763)
Explanation: 1.Sikhism is based on the teachings of the ten Gurus contained in Guru Granth Sahib while Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ regarded as the Son of God contained in the Bible.
2.Christianity is the largest religion in the world with Sikhism being the fifth.
On the horific day of September 11th, many people lost their loved ones. We especially remember those who came to the people's immediate aid, fire-fighters. The helmet of a fire-fighter who served during 9/11 is an exceptional symbol to represent 9/11. This was an appropriate choice due to the fact that these heroic men and women lost their lives saving civilians. If it were not for them some people would have not been able to see their families again. We remeber those who sacrificed their lives for the well being of others Explanation:
create the banner with a helmet of a fire-fighter.