A realist writer will treat the subject of death as the characters would have a heard time dealing with it and depict it as being real.
<h3>Who is a realist writer?</h3>
A realist writer simply means an individual who depict everyday activities and experiences on their work.
In this case, a realist writer will treat the subject of death as the characters would have a heard time dealing with it and depict it as being real.
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The hardest question ever asked is "what is truth"
Philosophers have struggled with this question since the very beginning of it all, maybe because it’s the hardest question ever asked.
Pastoral Poem is much like it sounds: poetry that has to do with pastures and in some pastures, there are sheep tended by the shepherds....
America has not changed
Hamilton's America displays how everlasting are the hot topics of today's America: immigration, state rights, debt, income inequality and racial relations. These were the same fights that defined Hamilton's time, and are the driving force of Miranda's historical work.
The role that narration plays in history is a central theme of Hamilton, Hamilton's musical and America. The musical invites the public to reflect: "Who lives, who dies, who tells his story?"
G - 6/11,
Los Angeles,
22nd March 2021,
The Editor,
NBC News,
New York,
Subject: Regarding the ban of explicit sexual scenes on television.
Through your esteemed news channel, I would like to show concern towards the increased explicitness of television programs in showing sexual scenes. Television is such a means of communication that is watched by every stratum of people, be it kids, students, adults, or even elders. Such an open showcase of intimate scenes not only influences the kids and adolescents but also distracts the adults to go on the wrong path, spoils relationships, affects the sentiments of the elders, and spoils the society as a whole.
Recent reports have shown that these explicit sexual contents leave a desensitized and causal impact on the entire population. Thus, such scenes are required to be banned to show explicitly on national television to prevent such insensitiveness and allowing kids to know things at right time. I request you to kindly throw light upon this issue so that concerned authorities could take necessary actions in this regard.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,