I think Yeats wants his daughter to “think opinions are accursed” so that she doesn’t give in to other people’s thought’s about her. It is so hard to ignore other people’s opinions, but once she sees them as accursed, she won’t worry so much. This might differ if he had a son because boys are often not judged as much, and treated differently than girls. Normally, the negative opinion’s from other’s won't impact their reputation as much as a girl’s would be impacted.
Explanation: not sure if it's right lol and also is this ms pannecouk's hw hahahaha
if u want me to explain ill explain
A. generate new ideas for possible plots, characters, and settings
Well naturally, the two people should meet in the beginning. They ultimately need to fall in love so your story can later determine if it’s “fate” or just “love” they’re experiencing. If you’ve been in love before, that should help you write. Never answering the question “fate or love” could be cool too. Leave the reader to decide... but that’s more of an ending lol.
You can make the couple meet online, in person, naturally, on accident, literally however. In my opinion a long distance relationship might solidify the question “fate or love” simply because in a LDR (long distance relationship) the two can be so deeply in love, but so far away. This almost forces you to think “is this relationship fate, or are they just in love?” You need conflict definitely. Provoke the mind to ask this question. You can do it!!