We’re waiting for the awful grandmother who is inside dropping pesos into la ofrenda box before the altar to La Divina Providencia. Lighting votive candles and genuflecting. Blessing herself and kissing her thumb. Running a crystal rosary between her fingers. Mumbling, mumbling, mumbling.
There are so many prayers and promises and thanks-be-to-God to be given in the name of the husband and the sons and the only daughter who never attend mass. It doesn’t matter. Like La Virgen de Guadalupe, the awful grandmother intercedes on their behalf. For the grandfather who hasn’t believed in anything since the first PRI elections. For my father, El Periquín, so skinny he needs his sleep. For Auntie Light-skin, who only a few hours before was breakfasting on brain and goat tacos after dancing all night in the pink zone. For Uncle Fat-face, the blackest of the black sheep—Always remember your Uncle Fat-face in your prayers. And Uncle Baby— You go for me, Mamá—God listens to you.
This question seems to be incomplete. However, there is enough information to find the right answer.
In the end, Lencho seems to be ungrateful and even accuses the people from the post office of having stolen his money, because he´s unaware that it was them, and not God, who gave him money.
In the story "A Letter to God," by G.L. Fuentes, Lencho is a farmer whose entire crop yield has been damaged by a hailstorm and decides to write a letter to God asking for 100 pesos to sow his field again. When the postmaster discovers Lencho´s letter, secretly collects some money for him, but is not the full amount Lencho had asked for. In the end, Lencho writes another letter for God, asking for the full amount, and accusing the people from the post office of having stolen part of his money, showing that he´s ungrateful and unaware of who are the people actually trying to help him.
Answer:Desktop publishing (DTP) software is designed for creating visual communications such as brochures, business cards, greeting cards, web pages, posters, and more for professional or personal printing online or on-screen.
Answer: Well I believe the previous paragraph has been detonated out of existence.
1. A. He thinks that Hamlet mourns too much.
2. B. There is tension between them.