The blending of adults and juveniles in adult jails is considered unjust and remains a problem. Since the 1970s, the juvenile justice system has sought to place juveniles in separate facilities to protect them from the criminogenic impacts of older, adult offenders (those who tend to create crime or criminals).
Nuclear arms race was a key factor in extending the time period of the cold war. The seeds of the hostility between USSR in US began after the end of World War I with the rising of communism in USSR in Stalin rule made it worse.
- Progressivism- The progressives, as they referred to themselves, worked to improve and secure American society. Through a variety of regulations, they attempted to make large corporations more responsible.
- Sherman Antitrust Act- The Act gave the government the right to file lawsuits against trusts and dissolve them.
- Muckraker- The Progressive Era in the United States (1890s–1920s) was characterized by reform-minded journalists, authors, and photographers known as muckrakers. They claimed to reveal corruption and malfeasance in established institutions, frequently through sensationalist publications.
- Theodore Roosevelt- In terms of foreign affairs, he concentrated on Central America, where he started work on the Panama Canal. To portray American naval strength, he increased the size of the Navy and took the Great White Fleet on a tour of the globe.
- Patronage- Patronage is the assistance that a group, individual, or organization gives to another person or organization. In the history of art, the term "arts patronage" refers to the financial assistance that monarchs, popes, and affluent people have given to singers, painters, and sculptors.
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Among them was the right of the church to be free from governmental interference, the rights of all free citizens to own and inherit property and to be protected from excessive taxes