One could argue that one similarity that Britain and the West Indies had with the New England colonies was that they all shared in the same "triangle trade", which brought large amounts of slaves to the Caribbean and large amounts of sugar and other products to Britain.
Remember that the volume of a cube is: a³, or that number, three times!
This means that each side, should be 4cm.
Why? It's because, now that we know the formula, 4x4 is equal to 16, and then 16x4 is equal to 64! :D
Between the 1920s and 1930s, the Harlem Renaissance was an artistic and cultural rebirth in African American music, dance, painting, fashion, literature, theatre, and politics based on Harlem, Manhattan, New York City. It was dubbed the "New Negro Movement" at the time, after The New Negro, a 1925 anthology compiled by Alain Locke. The campaign has involved emerging African-American cultural expressions in metropolitan centers throughout the Northeast and Midwest of the United States, which were influenced by a revived militancy in the general fight for civil rights for African-Americans in the aftermath of civil rights struggles in the then-still-segregated US Armed Forces in WWI and which arose in the aftermath of civil rights struggles in the then-still-segregated US Armed
The NAACP, the Garveyite movement, and the Russian Revolution were all influential, as was the Great Migration of African-American workers fleeing the racist conditions of the Jim Crow Deep South, with Harlem serving as the final destination for the majority of those who migrated north.
Though it was based in Harlem, many francophone black authors from African and Caribbean colonies who lived in Paris were also inspired by the movement, which lasted from around 1918 to the mid-1930s Formalized paraphrase Many of the concepts lasted even longer. The Harlem Renaissance was also the pinnacle of this "flowering of Negro literature," as James Weldon Johnson liked to call it.
The amount of energy it takes on peoples labor to physically carry water back to their village and worrying about evaportation in hot weather which makes water transportation party weather dependant.
Looking for a clean source of water in the first place is also a tough one.