Adding more links to the page.
User experience design, UED, is a concept or a process of software development application life cycle that graphically presents a clients project to reflect the needs, want and interactivity of the users.
There are certain principles that governs the design of user interactive web and mobile interfaces. A user interface has to be simple, easy to interact with, give a good feel, signing into email, phone, laptop, mobile app etc, should also be made easy.
Covering the screen with link, makes it difficult to navigate without triggering a link.
Know what the code should do
The failsafe method when facial recognition method is unavailable is the Personal Identification Number (PIN) method.
The Personal Identification Number (PIN) option is available for setup for cases when other biometric authentication methods fail due to several reasons.
Answer : RAM is used to store computer programs and data that CPU needs in real time. ROM have prerecorded data and it is used to boot computer.