To fail to function properly.
A failure to function properly.
A mumble personality tends to be someone who is shy and to themselves or that they don't care about the subject preceding. So, often times, they tend to mumble when they speak, causing communication issues for said person. A lot of times, mumble personalities are frowned upon, because they tend to annoy people, mumbling when they speak. Also, it may be difficult for a person with a Mumble personality to make friends or meet new people. This causes Isolation, which can also lead to Depression. Hope this helped!
Welcome to The Columbus History Museum! We have made new changes. First, we have a larger exhibit about Lewis and Clark than we did before. Now we have room for a map from 1804. It is the oldest map in the museum! Also, the lights are brighter than before. People say that it is easier to read the signs now.
Study hard, focus during class, and take your time on all work.
Allusion and alliteration