None would be possible without the discovery of x-rays.
The biggest difference between MRI and CT scans is that MRIs use radio waves while CT scans use X-rays, CT scans use X-rays while MRI scans use strong magnets and radio waves. * You're welcome ^^*.
I wanna say river
Because the need a water source for plants and other things like that. And an ocean wouldn't be able to help because well it's salt water.
Suppose I was king or queen:
You might have said no because the voyage was a big risk. The ships might all disappear at sea, and you would never get your money back. Or you might have said yes, because if Columbus found a better route to Asia, you could get rich from the trade with China and the Indies.
The correct answer should be remove trade sanctions on Cuba.
Hope this helps. :D
They had a lot of money wasted and they lost a lot of lives during this.