The Second World War was a political and military conflict on a global scale that took place between 1939 and 1945, in which most of the countries of the world were involved and which represents one of the most traumatic and significant historical and cultural milestones of the century. XX, given the state of Total War (absolute economic, social and military commitment of nations) assumed by the two sides involved.
The conflict cost the lives of between 50 and 70 million people, both civilian and military, of which 26 million belonged to the USSR (and only 9 million were military). Particular case are the millions of people executed in concentration and extermination camps, subjected to subhuman conditions of existence or even to medical and chemical experiments, such as the almost 6 million Jews systematically exterminated by the German National Socialist regime. The latter was called the Holocaust.
To this must be added the numerous deaths that the economic consequences of the conflict caused worldwide, such as the famine in Bengal that claimed the lives of almost 4 million Indians, and which are often ignored by the official history of the conflict, whose total balance of deaths may be around 100 million people.
The Battle of Nashville.
The Confederate forces, commanded by John Bell Hood, had already suffered heavy casualties against General John Scofield, at Franklin, Tennessee. When Scofield moved north to Nashville to reunite with General George Thomas, Hood followed him, despite being greatly outnumbered, and placed his troops outside Nashville's strong defenses.
Thomas saw the opportunity to strike the decisive blow and took it. The confederate army suffered a terrible defeat, and the few survivors had to retreat to Mississippi.
Hood signed his resignation shortly after that.
the us tried to stop the spread of communism in Vietnam, it went badly because the Vietnam knew more area of land than the us did, resulting in unexpected attacks from the Vietnam. after quick attacks the Vietnam would retreat to the forest, where they had multiple bunkers that connected to one another so they could appear in multiple places in in a short amount of time.
The revolutionary war was known as the "American war of independence",It all started with the confronting between British troops and local Militia in Massachusetts On April 19,1775. The British collonies Was led by George Washington and was helped by France and other powered collonies.This War was very important because it was time when collonist in America rebelled against the rule Of Britian. The colony fought many battles and It became known as the independent country, it got the freedom they fought for.This war lasted from 1775 to 1783. This war ended specifically because General Cornwallis surrendered and was forced to sourrender the british position at yorktown. Not to long when The general sourrendered the treaty of paris was signed and the United states became an independent/colonial power.
Im sorry if it isnt great you can make some corrections or change it Hope this helps
Depending on the time, it could be the Phoenicians ( I think this is the best answer; this is what they're known for best) or later in time, the Romans (but they had colonies also elsewhere).