Earthquakes produce three types of seismic waves: primary waves, secondary waves, and surface waves. Each type moves through materials differently. In addition, the waves can reflect, or bounce, off boundaries between different layers.
Fissure eruptions
A fissure vent or eruption fissure is a linear volcanic vent from which lava erupts mostly without explosive activity. The vent is usually not very wide but can be very long stretching for miles. While they do not explode like many volcanic cones do, fissure vents can cause large flood basalts. After some time the eruption builds up spatter cones and may concentrate on one or some of them. Spatter cones are steep-sided hills that consist of welded lava fragments that are called spatter and these cones form around vents.
look below
1. Europeans spread christianity to Rome, this was a problem because the Romans believed in many gods.
2. The middle ages began when different culture spread and some people wanted to stay traditional.
By saying the centennial high school parking lot is five blocks down from the softball field is using a relative location using people's knowledge of a familiar landmark like the softball field as a reference to visualize where the parking lot is in space.
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