I could never stay off it for even a few minutes. I really like to watch anime and I always catch myself watching when I am and when I am not supposed to. I also watch it so when I am just even trying to study I see a notification that will stop me from what I was or were doing. For me I have a addiction to my devices.
I believe people had a really hard time comprehending the events that took place because it was so horrible it couldn'tbe real. people didn't want to believe that people could do that to other living beings. when Americans first heard about it they thought it was dramatic because how would it come to that, it took going through the concentration camps to believe it.
The strategy of containment is known as the cold war foreign policy of the united states and its allies to prevent the spread of communism after world war 2 ended.
Internet Speech. ...
Student Speech and Privacy. ...
Employee Speech and Whistleblowers. ...
Intellectual Property. ...
Rights of Protesters. ...
Freedom of the Press. ...
Photographers' Rights. ...
Artistic Expression.
JFK was much younger than any other candidate running for president. The election was also very close between JFK and Nixon.
This was the first presidential election ever held on television.
Also computers were recently introduced.