Crcexecrxececececececececrcecececececececececececececrcrcrcrcexexexexexexexexexexexececececrcecececrcrcexexexexrxececvucucuvuvuvuvuvj i j j j u i i ivuvivvuvuvuvuvuvubuvuvuvuvuvuvububibiqbzibxwibxwibxiwbxiwbxw
The Age of Enlightenment promoted a confidence in reason or intellectual enquiry to bring greater happiness and progress to humanity; a belief that all aspects of the human and natural worlds are susceptible of rational explanation; and the desire to battle against ignorance, dogma, superstition, injustice and oppression.
not very sure because im dumb but i would assume
people are used to buying candy for their children sorry if im wrong :)
Okay then
Explanation: who you talking to?