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ShareThis  You are here: home > geotopics > settlements > what are the characteristics of settlements?
What are the characteristics of settlements? Settlements come in all different shapes, sizes and locations. The function of a settlement can be identified by looking at its shape, size, site and situation.
Find out more about this topic below: What is a settlement? What do we mean by site and situation of a settlement? What are the functions of a settlement? What is a settlement hierarchy?
What is a settlement?
A settlement is a place where people live. A settlement could be anything from an isolated farmhouse to a mega city (settlement with over 10 million people).
Settlements can either be temporary or permanent. Temporary settlements include things such as refugee camps.
Recreational - fun, non-essentials like parks.Transport - roads, railways, and airports.Agricultural - farmland.Residential - housing.Commercial - businesses and factories.
Choice C because the IMF and the World Bank focus their efforts on promoting world trade. Both agencies focus on the development, economic self-sufficiency, and the currency problems of developing countries. It does not directly focus on promoting world trade.
Why might a post classical civilization want to conquer Egypt and the Nile River Valley? It's fertile land provided the foundation for the first human civilizations and its access to the Persian Gulf and location between Europe, Asia, and Africa made it a center of trade.