c) on the outer banks of the meander loops
The meandering streams form in places that have low elevation and are flat, covered with softer sediments. The stream starts as mostly straight, but as time passes it erodes one of the banks, while depositing on the opposite bank, become very curvy, snake-like in shape, thus a meandering stream. In the meandering streams, the water has the most velocity at the outer banks. This results in greater erosion of the outer banks, and this part constantly moves outwards. In the same time, the water has the least velocity at the inner bank, resulting in deposition of the material that it has been carrying with it, so this part constantly grows inwards.
Chain migration is the social process by which migrants from a particular town follow others from that town to a particular destination, it assures that the mover is part of an established migrant flow from a common origin to a prepared destination,the prepared destination may be in another country or in a new location within the same country
Step migration involves the place transition from, for example, rural to central city residence through a series of less extreme locational changes, from farm to small town to suburb, and finally to the major central city itself
Mineral classes such as halides, sulfates, carbonates, oxides, and sulfides can contain all the following elements, except oxygen
the answer is B