Black market or underground economy is the term used to describe the clandestine and illegal sale of goods, products or services, violating the pricing or rationing imposed by the government or companies.
The phenomenon of the black market arises in times of crisis or periods of government control of the economy, usually when the scarcity of basic goods forces governments to impose price controls or rationing of goods.
We can then infer that the black market is regulated by the government of the country to which it belongs.
John Deere ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
The immigrants brought positive changes to the United States due to:
- Brought their gastronomy.
- Incresing the labor capacity of the country.
- Learning different cultures.
Positive Changes by
Although the people regularly talk about the negative aspects about the immigrants, must be remembered the immigrants bring many positive changes, like their food, due to in United States can be eaten sushi, pizza, tacos and other types.
On the other hand, with more people, the labor capacity of the country is increased to work in different areas, at the same time the Americans can learn about different cultures in the world in our same country.
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