Answer: The following idea
B. main idea
Style is how you deliver ideas rather than how you craft them. Hope this helped.
I actually just had a conversation with my mom about this, this morning... I am a junior in online school and I hate my classes right now, and if I don't correct a lot of stuff then I will fail one of my classes because I have absolutely no motivation to finish these courses... there are certain classes you will never use in your life that you are forced to learn and although it really sucks you need a high school diploma to be able to go anywhere in life... So here it goes...
As a child you are told that education is everything... As you grow older you think that you don't need a high school diploma in order to succeed, however the fact of the matter is that you need a high school diploma in order to get a good job... While you may not care for certain classes you really need to push through school to be able to succeed and have a job that you enjoy doing... Not to mention, that when you do receive a high school diploma, you will feel extremely accomplished... I have realized this now, and I am more motivated than ever to succeed, because I want to be able to have my dream job, and to feel accomplished, and prove that although the journey to receiving the diploma itself was difficult I was able to pull through, and learn what I needed to learn in order to go into the workforce. Another reason this is so important is that there will always be a struggle finding jobs that are enjoyable and fulfilling, so by completing the diploma it will give me more choices and opportunities, because I have a higher level of education. There are also many valuable lessons you can learn along the way as well.... Overall, high school diplomas are an essential part of my success in my future...
Written in your point of view! Hope this helps... xx P.S. This is an actual answer that I wrote, this is not copied from anywhere... Therefore it is not plagiarism... XOXO- Anna