C. John Brown
John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry was an effort by abolitionist John Brown, from October 16 to 18, 1859, to initiate a slave revolt in Southern states by taking over a United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia.
Egypt divided into three kingdoms, which consist of the Old, the Middle and the New Kingdoms.
The Old kingdom had city-states, the Middle had a royal dynasty, and the New kingdom had cities.
Old Egypt began after Menes united Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt into one to prevent further conflicts and wars. During the Old Kingdom, pyramid and the Great Sphinx build.
The Middle Kingdom flourished through trade and built massive buildings.
It was during the New Kingdom when the Empire conquered most of its territorial lands. Pharaohs launched expeditions and campaigns to seize lands in Kush, Nubia, Israel, Lebanon, and Syria. Egypt during the New kingdom expanded trade and received goods from other regions.
Led by Alexander Hamilton, albeit secretly at first, the Federalists were the first political party of the United States. They supported the Constitution, and attempted to convince the States to ratify the document. Hamilton, along with John Jay and James Madison, anonymously published a series of essays known as the Federalist Papers under the pseudonym "Publius."
Both Hamilton and Madison argued that the Constitution didn't need a Bill of Rights, that it would create a "parchment barrier" that limited the rights of the people, as opposed to protecting them. However, they eventually made the concession and announced a willingness to take up the matter of the series of amendments which would become the Bill of Rights. Without this compromise, the Constitution may never have been ratified by the States.
Surprisingly enough, it was Federalist James Madison who eventually presented the Bill of Rights to Congress despite his former stance on the issue.
Starting within the 6th century BC with the Pythagoreans, the Antiquated Greeks started a precise ponder of science as a subject in its possess right with Greek science. Around 300 BC, Euclid presented the aphoristic strategy still utilized in science nowadays, comprising of definition, maxim, hypothesis, and verification
Korean Expedition in 1871.
Russo-Khivan War in 1873.
The campaign of 1871 is also known as Korean Expedition. It was the first American military action in Korea which took place on Ganghwa Island. In the year 1873, Russo-Khivan War held. in this war, Russia conquered the Khanate of Khiva, and it became a Russian territory. General Richard Taylor led the union army of united state. There is great significant about the Red River Campaign because the target of the campaign was Shreveport which is the capital of Confederate Louisiana and the headquarters for the Army of the Trans-Mississippi. In this campaign the union defeated by the Confederate army.