These include structures such as the plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, and ribosomes
<span>Prokaryotes have magnetite-containing structures, nucleoid (their version of a nucleus), fimbriae.
Animals have lysosomes.
Plant cells have chloroplasts (make the plant cells green, produce energy for plants), photosynthetic membranes (produce energy for plants), cell well.
Flagella can be found in prokaryotes and animal cells but for a simpler biology class, I would put it with prokaryotes.</span>
a monocot
Monocotiledoneas are plants that develop from a seedling with a single cotyledon. That is why we can say that maize is a monocotyledon.
Monocotyledons and dicotyledons are two classes of vegetables that belong to the angiosperm plants (plants with seeds contained within the fruits) and also phanerogams (flowering plants), currently classified as magnoliophytes, gathering approximately 230 thousand species. Monocotyledons are plants that have only one cotyledon in the seed. Cotyledons are the initial leaves of plant embryos.
<span>Ancient cultures knew that unseen energy flows through all living things. Reiki is a system of healing that channels this energy by placing the hands. In recent scientific experiments, medical doctors are studying the correlation between this energy and the functioning of the immune system.</span>