Because he can't fit in.
Gavin feels very different from Aurora's family, especially among the men in the family. He is unable to understand the traditions, rites of passage and customs that they have and that is why he feels lonely and isolated and isolated. The more he tries to entertain himself, he does not succeed because of the cultural difference between them. This makes him feel uncomfortable, around Aurora's family, although he doesn't dislike them.
Answer: Briony begins to see reality.
Briony wants to say she was introduced to real life. That the wrong "understanding" was an idea aimed at a deluded vision, nobody lives in a fairy tale and she had this "weak" idea because she was being awakened to reality through the observation of her own daily life and the people around her .
Book means to read something and find something , the old man means who was not young , the sea means it look blue and in that we can swim
A cheese burger is stacked like an essay or writing
Top bun is the intro
The meat and toppings are your body paragraph full with reasons and evidence supporting your topic
The bottom bun is your conclusion