<span>well, no one knows why the first generation of mayas disappeared leaving their communities uninhabited.... but some of these cities are Tikal, Uaxactún, Piedras Negras, Cancuén, Caracol, Yaxhá, Naranjo, Xultún, Río Azul, Naachtún, Dos Pilas, Machaquilá, Aguateca, Palenque, Yaxchilán, Kankí,Bonampak, Quiriguá, Tulum, Edzná, Oxquintok, Ceibal, Xamantún, Copán, San Andrés, Yaaxcanah, Cobá, El Cedral, Ichpaatún, Kantunilkín, Kuc (Chancah), Kucican, Tazumal, Las Moras, Mario Ancona, Muyil, Oxlakmul, Oxtancah, Oxhindzonot, Pasión de Cristo, Río Indio, San Antonio III, Nohkuo Punta Pájaros, San Manuel, San Miguel, Punta Molas, Tamalcab, Templo de las Higueras, Tupack, Xlahpak, Tzibanché y Kohunlich.</span>
Harriet Powers (October 29, 1837 – January 1, 1910) was an American folk artist, and quilt maker. She was born into slavery in rural Georgia. She used traditional appliqué techniques to record local legends, Bible stories, and astronomical events on her quilts.
Shortly after she gets to her new college 2,500 miles from home, Tomasa goes to the school's activity fair to find some groups to join. She immediately signs up to audition for two different musical clubs, which are her interest. Her desire to join these groups may help to satisfy her need to BELONG
Explanation: This is referred by Freud as a pleasure principle because it makes one do what they want to do without even thinking about the outcome as long as it is going to please them .
For Suzie taking the toy without considering the other child's feeling it shows she was only thinking about satisfying her own need or pleasure .