A nonacademic use of research methods
Although the advantages of silicone over wire might seem obvious, kitchenware makers were unaware of the problems with wire tools until they hired ethnographers to visit people at home, see how they worked in the kitchen, and determine what sorts of things could be sold to them.
This ethnography is an example of a nonacademic use of research methods.
The Sahara, the largest hot desert in the world, covers 3.3 million square miles and is located in the northern part of Africa. The Kalahari Desert, located in southern Africa, covers 362,500 square miles. The Namib Desert, the world's oldest desert, is found in the southwestern portion of the continent and covers 100,000 square miles.
Family teaches the child about life and getting along, family teaches the child everyday things.
So they could go through to Asia. They didn't know how far the Americas were from Asia.
What is the question here?