The passage that best support the idea that Judy wants to fit in american culture is the one when she responds: "New York", after all I had been born away at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital"...
"Originally from the Caribbean" I answered vaguely. When a student is a foreigner or has immigrant parents, or is an immigrant him or herself, frequently finds it very difficult to fit in the new society. On the other hand, they have to deal with the lack of knowledge of some of the students about certain countries. Although it's not the case in this passage, because the character "was born in New York" , She still feels that it is not enough. For the "local ones" this does not define the person´s "origin", which in this case forces the character to try to explain where in the map is "her origin"
So they use general information to make it easier to understand. When She says: "From the Caribbean", she expects the other to understand better her explanation. However, as mentioned before, the information is still not
I agree that we should care instead of just ignoring it. that’s like saying as home owners, should you care about your home (aka if the rooms are messy, cabinets are dusty and stuff).
The sentence that contains a verbal phrase acting as a modifier is: Giving a presentation in front of my class, I suddenly developed sever stage fright.
Modifiers are optional elements in a phrase structure that even when removed, it does not affect the whole grammar of the sentence.
It was a brisk summer evening. Gray came to the edge of the lake that surounded his grandparents summer house. He looked at the sunset for a while and then remebered what he has promised to his grandmother Lily. Book was hanging from his pocket, as he stepped over a rock and sat on the moss covered ground. The sun was turning the horizon into the warmest hug. The book belonged to his mother Anna, who passed away just over a year ago. Since then, Gray has been living with his grandparents in the country side. Anna was a beautiful woman, who served as a public defender. She was not at home a lot of the times, which meant that Gray had to learn how to take care of himself since the early age. He had a lot of friends from school and he spent a lot of time playing with them around the neighboorhod. He never met his father and Anna never cared to speak about him. It all happened so suddenly. One night, his mother was rushed to the hospital and he never saw her again. He could not remember the last conversation they had, but it was probably something related to his home work and his lack of discipline. He never enjoyed studying. His mind was alwyas set on some skeem or a project that he needed to complete. Sitting and reading seemd so boring and unnececcary. As he was opening the first page of the book, a piece a of paper fell into his lap and he recognized his mothers writting. The sun casted the last rays of golden light and he started reading, rushing through the words before the nightfall.
Affective cause that's like an influence