With excitement and amazement, lighter than air flight had been around for more than one hundred years.
Here we go..
These questions deal with opinion and perspective supplied by facts, so if this is purely academic there is no perfect answer. In my opinion, yes imperial rule has always been bad. There are positive things about empires, that is what makes them interesting. There are pros and cons, but often that not (speaking in both modern and recent times) the pros are supposed to blot out the cons. The Roman Empire is an ancient example, so yeah those pros weren't mean to blot out the cons. Never forget this, most pros of the imperial government are to make 'managing' easier. If the people dont want to be ruled by a foreign power, then youll get what you always have. Riots and whatnot. Ha, flip open any area of a text book and youll find the answer to "What is a lot or half the people dont want the imperialism?" Listen, there is no such thing as a completely good anything. But also, never let that be an excuse for injustice. Whether or not you judge yours or someone elses empire as good depends on you really, how you feel what you want, your morals. And if you want specific examples - I have plenty. But I am tired of typing now so if you want examples just msg me. Hope I helped
Travelling was difficult due to flooding...communication i’m not so sure.
Incorrectly implies that it is an insignificant blip
Here is a list of pull factors as to why European immigrants to America during the late 19th and early 20th centuries:
1) Labor contracts- European immigrants were recruited by different American companies to come work for them. This guarantee of employment enticed many individuals to leave their homes.
2) Advertisement of cheap farmland- Many individuals wanted their own space and the ability to make themselves a living. Going to America to buy cheap farmland would afford them this opportunity.
3) Freedoms/Opportunity for a better life- America was advertised as a country where immigrants can start fresh and work hard in order to generate a new fulfilling life.