One useful point about the moment magnitude scale is that it is logarithmic, where each whole number represents a factor of 32. Therefore, the difference in two whole numbers of the magnitude means that an earthquake is 1,000 times stronger. For example, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake releases 1,000 times more energy than a 5.0 one.
I think it wouldn’t be dead until it looses all of its color and is able to crumple in your fingertips. So basically, it isn’t dead yet when it is wilted. But Its getting to the stage of being dead (like how old people are at that stage of their life where they will pass away soon).
To put it simply, the flower is not dead yet, it’s just “old” :D
Medications can be tested on cell cultures instead of being injected into patients unnecessarily.
Cancer cells continue to grow in the cultures uncontrollably allowing scientists to test multiple medications on the cancer cells.