The Diary of Anne Frank
Expository is commonly on history, or at least on factual information. Romeo and Juliet, The Hunger Games, and the Odyssey, are all "works of art", and are based off of a fantasy-world, and does and did not, take place in the real world at any time in history.
Please add if this isn't enough.
Almost every ELA teacher has their students write essays throughout the year. There are many steps in this process. These steps include brainstorming, pre-writing, revising, editing, and submission. Revising is the most important step in writing an essay because it allows you to know what you will be writing about and to make sure you have the best work possible to submit to your teacher.
Most people get a prompt for their essay but making sure your work is as good as it can be is where revision comes in. After you have brainstormed and pre-written your essay you should have a pretty good draft. Most would say revision is pointless because they just think as hard as they can before they submit their essay. Well, they are wrong. Revision is the most important step because a lot of people don't notice when they mistype or accidentally write a word when they meant something else. The Odegaard Writing & Research Center states, "In the revision process, you improve your reading skills and your analytical skills." During the revision process you have to reread your essay and go through and change things such as misspellings or grammar errors.
Revision will allow your teacher to grade your work better and can help with your overall grade of your class. Teachers grade off of rubrics and most of the time at least one of the categories graded is grammar and spelling. Teachers will look for spelling errors and depending on how many they find will help or hurt the grade they give you. By revising your work you can make sure to have as few spelling and grammar errors as possible.
Revising your essay allows you to give your teacher the best work you can give. By revising you get better and reading and analyzing texts. Revising your work will help you to get a better grade from your teacher and can help with making sure that everything in your essay makes sense.
idk try asking your teacher sorry im not helping
Carelessly/ careless / carelessness