because A judge's main role in the government is to apply and or interpret laws while an elected official, say a Senator, creates laws.
Judges are usually appointed while elected officials are voted by the people to be in the chosen position.
The treaty of paris was to end the revolution
Answer: The fifteenth United states amendment had a good impact on the African American population. This 15th Agreement granted African American men the freedom to vote by stating that "the right of people of the United States to vote shall not be restricted or abridged by the United States or any State for reasons of race, colour, or prior condition of servitude."
Laissez-faire is an economic philosophy based around the idea of little to no government interference in the economy. This means a very small amount of regulation for businesses, banks, and the stock market.
Don`t copy that word for word, it`s from a website sorry :3
A good idea would be to use the 7 year war. It’s a good way to talk about colonial taxes because it was the start of it all the war was only supposed to be 6 months and it turned into seven year so the started taxing the people and colonies in order to make back the money the had lost during the war