It means; Hypothesize a tentative answer
Chemical tags reveal interplay of genes, environment in autism.
It just shows what type of DNA a person has which means the letters A, T, G and C, which represent different DNA bases, spell out the blueprint for the human body. But they aren’t the only ones that matter.
CH3 is the chemical formula for a methyl group — a carbon atom studded with three hydrogens. Methyl groups can attach to DNA and affect whether the DNA is recognized by the cell’s machinery. Different exposures and experiences — anything from air pollution exposure to stress — can make DNA more or less likely to gain or lose methyl tags.
Desert that’s because there are mountains like the mt. Everest
Samuel Morse
In the 1830s and 1840s manifested by Samuel Morse, the telegraph transformed long-distance transmission. It operated by broadcasting electrical signs over a wire yielded among stations. In extension to assisting in the design the telegraph, Samuel Morse originated a code which designated an assemblage of dots and dashes to every letter of the English characters and allotted for the easy transportation of complicated information over telegraph lines.