It means to say what you mean and mean what you say.
Have a splendid day
Both Bad because it rots your brain and good if you watch things like the presidential election interviews
. A Poison Tree is a short and deceptively simple poem about repressing anger and the consequences of doing so. The speaker tells of how they fail to communicate their wrath to their foe and how this continues to grow until it develops into poisonous hatred.
Imagery is the use of figurative language to represent objects, actions and thoughts in a way that activates the physical senses of the reader (sight, smell, hearing, tactile and taste). It is what makes the reader involved in a story, by activating feelings he/she might know. It is what makes a story feel realistic.
Its function in literature is to create a graphic representation of a scene, with as much description as possible so the reader can paint a mental picture of what's going on.
So, that through the use of imagery meaning is created could mean that it is what gives a story depth and complexity, it is what makes a story similar to the real world.