Thoughtcrime is negative or unorthodox thoughts towards Big Brother and/or the Party. Winston is constantly comitting thoughtcrime in 1984. Mainly in his diary, where he constantly insults the government.
The Dover Mail struggles up Shooter’s Hill
Jerry Cruncher emerges from the mist
Mr. Lorry asks the ghost, “I hope you care to live?”
Mr. Lorry tells the story of the Doctor of Beuvais
Lucie is assisted by a wild looking woman with red hair
The word BLOOD coats a wall in Paris
Three men named Jacques are in the wine shop
Lucie needs help on a staircase
Dr. Manette is making shoes
Lucie and Dr. Manette are reunited
After entering the carriage Dr. Manette asks for his shoemaking tools and unfinished shoes
C: SYEPs help young people find a paying job that is related to their ambitions.
I just did it and got it correct
Past tense because the verb isolated is written that way.