Islamic rule in the Iberian peninsula lasted for varying periods ranging from only 28 years in the extreme northwest..
1. Primero prende tu computadora.
2. Empieza a escribir tu tarea.
3. No pierdas el tiempo.
4. Cuando termines, guarda el archivo cuidadosamente.
5. Revisa lo que escribiste.
The imperative mode is used to give orders, requests or wishes. The imperative has its own forms only in the second person of the plural and the singular (tu, vosotros) in the rest of the people we use the subjunctive mode.
This verbs are the verbs that tell someone to do something.
How are the woman and the girl presented in the first pages of the story?
mira (esos) pasteles que (ese) hombre esta comiendo. i just know that first one sorry