First of all, we should know that domain specific words are those are low frequency and content-specific. So, in this sentence we know that the topic being discussed is a restaurant, so domain-specific words will be those that are used frequently in relation to restaurants.
These are: hostess, waiter, menu
Emeralds are very beautiful and quite expansive. which means one of two things they are a high demand or they are hard to get
The answer is A. To persuade guests to bring their children to Funland
By process of elimination, it is not D. because it doesn't list all the rides. It says that the rides ''include'' the ones listed, implying that there are more that are not listed here. It is also not C, because it never identifies them as the most popular, just as options. And it isn't B, because it doesn't even mention admission.
overturned five gallon plastic paint buckets
he is a bucket player
the answer is 2 because that is what its correct
because 2