The focus on selling indulgences became so important because when the Renaissance period came, the church was losing its power, so people were able to freely buy things they wanted, even if they didn't needed them, and to not fear about being charged, beaten up, or even end up dead just because the church didn't thought its appropriate. Also, a very big factor was the fact that the people in this period, in general, had more money than the people in the Middle Ages, so the increased financial power enabled them to buy things that they found interesting but were not necessities.
he 1920’s proved to be a significant decade in American History. With the women’s right to vote, organized labor unions, and urbanization through city expansion, the 1920’s created change. These changes are specifically seen in American culture, politics, and economy. The 1920’s produced both positive and negative affect on America.
<h2>Political PARTIES</h2>
The two main political parties in the United States are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
Political parties put forth candidates for elections, and they rally around a shared set of ideas about the role of government and how government should be run.
Political parties are organized at the local level (cities or counties), as well as at the state and national level. Above the volunteers who serve on the front lines, there will also be local and state and national party leaders and committees. The state and national conventions of each party play a key role in developing party platforms during each election cycle. The party platforms present the party's views on issues, and the party helps candidates campaign and put forth their message in the months leading up to elections.