Netherlands (Dutch)
Answer and Explanation: Articles of Confederation was the very first written constitution of USA. This constitution was not seen with much validity on international stage. This constitution was fundamentally weak and no foreign power would take United States seriously. There were two reasons for this, primary reason was that during Revolutionary war United States borrowed a lot of money and was under enormous debts and was unable to pay that because no money was being generated. Other countries were unwilling to trade with USA because of the fear of losing their money and thus, USA could not generate enough money to pay debts and to regulate state affairs. Secondary reason was that USA's foreign policy was very fragile at that time, USA, a newly developed state, was not trusted by other states and no friendly ties were initiated by others instead USA was under threat of Britain's aggression. These were some of the reasons of why the foreign powers treated Articles of confederation with scorn.
He argued that by unleashing competition, free trade was likely to drive down workers' wages
Marx also disputed the argument that free trade facilitated a natural division of labour between countries. The free traders failed to understand that "one country can grow rich at the expense of another
Feb 18, 1688, 1700, 1723, <span>1765</span>