Both countries were involved in a system if alliances.
In advocating for the League of Nations, Wilson wanted to create a unity between nations in order to avoid the same issues that led to World War I. Unfortunately the US rejected this proposal.
It is the process individuals learn and frequently internilize a political lens
C. or A.
C. They wanted to turn them over to Christ
A. They were looking for gold and wanted to find it faster. This one
A is the answer.
How the Nazis persecuted the Jews: key dates
Boycott of Jewish businesses.Jewish civil servants, lawyers and teachers sacked.Race Science lessons to teach that Jews are untermensch [Untermensch: A German word for a person who is considered inferior. ].
'Jews not wanted here' signs put up at swimming pools etc.
Nuremberg laws (15 September) Jews could not be citizens. They were not allowed to vote or to marry a German.
Jews could not be doctors.Jews had to add the name Israel (men) or Sarah (women) to their name.Jewish children forbidden to go to school.
Kristallnacht (9 November) - attacks on Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues [Synagogues: These are places of Jewish worship and community.].
Jews were forbidden to own a business, or own a radio.Jews were forced to live in ghettoes.
Army Einsatzgruppen squads in Russia started mass-shootings of Jews.All Jews were forced to wear a yellow star of David.
Wansee Conference (20 January) decided on the Final Solution, which was to gas all Europe's Jews. The main death camps were at Auschwitz, Treblinka and Sobibor.