<span>1. Inspectors and judges are responsible for the proper conduct of the election a criticism of elections
2. </span>Short ballot <span>used to elect the President, Vice President, and members of Congress office bloc arrangement
3. E</span>lection officers <span>chosen by the election board inspectors and judges
4. A</span> criticism of elections <span>national, state, and local elections come on the same day challenger
5. O</span><span>ffice-bloc arrangement are </span><span>titles of offices appear across the ballot, candidates of both parties for office are placed below the titles short ballot
6. Challenger is a person who does not hold an office trying to unseat an incumbent election officers</span>
If our allies have a national threat. If we decide to help other countries, such as the Korean war. If we were attacked first.
Askia Muhammad I (1443 – 1538), born Muhammad Ture sylla or Muhammed Touré sylla in Futa Tooro, later called Askia, also known as Askia the Great, was an emperor, military commander, and political reformer of the Songhai Empire[1] in the late 15th century. He was from the Soninke ethnic group. Askia Muhammad strengthened his empire and made it the largest empire in West Africa's history. At its peak under his reign, the Songhai Empire encompassed the Hausa states as far as Kano (in present-day Northern Nigeria) and much of the territory that had belonged to the Songhai empire in the east. His policies resulted in a rapid expansion of trade with Europe and Asia, the creation of many schools, and the establishment of Islam as an integral part of the empire.