I think d because the new laws were made so as to govern the people .
Tiny solid and liquid particles suspended in the atmosphere are collectively called aerosols
Marble is a type of rock. It is a metamorphic rock , which means rock which as changed it texture or shape or color over the time. These rocks are formed usually by uniting already existing substances on the earth. Limestone is the naturally available stone , which when undergoes metamorphosis turns into the formation of marble. Marble forms when the hot magma heats the limestone , the heat recrystallizes the calcite in the limestone changing its texture, shape etc.
These look slightly different when you click on them, but the arrow does not look jumbled up or "squished", I'm going to say the arrow. It should have symmetry horizontally. I'm picking this based on how the pictures look online. Good luck with your work!
The United Nations recognized Beijing as China's legal seat of government
Taiwan was a nation created by the Nationalist that were defeated by the Communist. They managed to escape to this island, make a stronghold, and started to develop it. The international community was on their side, so even though China was officially counting it as part of its territory, in practice that was not the case. Taiwan soon gained lot of support, and it quickly started to develop its industry. Unlike China, Taiwan established a market economy, so it was open to the world for trade, so it was selling lot of its products abroad, which in turn was constantly helping the economy grow and develop even more, rapidly making it a nation with strong economy, modern, and with high standard of living.