Answer: "market segmentation" .
Answer: Target Costing
Target Costing is a method of costing on a product done while it's still being produced to determine the best price at which the product can be sold that would be able to compete with price of other similar products in the market and still make profit for the company.
RTP Corp needs to apply target costing for it's new computer processor in order for it to be profitable and beat the price of other processors in the market.
Smart display campaign
This is an automated program that is highly effective in locating old and new customers , create a capturing advertisement on its own and also provide the right bids.
In other words , it automates the process of bidding ,targeting and creating advert.
Even though the initial set up can be costly , but it reduces the effort of advertisers to the minimum as the whole process is programmed to self controlling.
As such , it is recommended for Sierra's business.
a. Advertising costs relative to the number of customers for a particular restaurant. [Fixed]
b. Rental costs relative to the number of restaurants. [Variable]
c. Cooks salaries at a particular location relative to the number of customers. [Fixed]
d. Cost of supplies (cups, plates, spoons, etc.) relative to the number of customers. [Variable]
e. Manager's compensation relative to the number of customers. [Mixed]
f. Servers' salaries relative to the number of restaurants. [Variable]