German prisoner of War camps were liberated. That’s one aspect of it.
Slavery and racism still exist, and it's even worse than before the civil war.
The Cartoonist illustrated a White League handshakes with Ku Klux Klan a shield that illustrates a black couple weeping over their baby.
In the background, it depicts the burning of school house and a freedman who was hanged on a tree.
"Worse than Slavery," was written boldly on the shield, and the combined text reads: "The Union as It Was: This Is a White Man's Government."
Hence, the message the cartoonist is trying to express about life after the civil war especially for African Americans is that: Slavery and racism still exist, and it's even worse than before the civil war.
C) humanism is the term from the renaissance
Answer: Territories like Wyoming wanted more white settlers, so they figured they could bring more white women out by allowing them to vote. “Long story short, if they could get white women out here, white men would be more likely to settle down,” Scharff said. She added that these laws were exclusively aimed at white women.