It's 2 meanings for duck one duck is a animal and the 2nd duck is a action you do like for instance the 2nd duck is like you putting ur head down and getting shorter so nobody can see u it's basically getting on the ground and the 1st meaning is its a animal and it came from god
I believe protestant during henry’s reign as he changed it
A) DIscolsure, beacuse it requires lenders to disclose to buyers the true cost of obtainng credit.
The Lending Law was estalished in 1968, as a way to regulat certain unethical practices in lending, and was originally known as Regulation Z.
Answer: D, most of muslims are sunnis. around 1.6 billion
The answer is sensory adaptation.
Sensory adaptation refers to a decrese in response to a stimulus after prolonged exposure. An example is an initially annoying ticking sound of a clock. After a few minutes, you would stop noticing the sound. For this reason, sensory adaptation plays an important role for holding one's attention.