I believe the answer is C because the court ruled that he was not a free man because 1. He was a slave and the court believed that if you were black, then you were not a n American Citizen and 2. He was the property of his own. Sorry, I could be wrong tho :(
The classic example of this divide is how, traditionally, history curriculums approach the Civil War.
While this is less the case today, 25-50 years ago, if you grew up in the South, you would have learned about the "War of Northern Aggression"
If you grew up in the North, you would have learned about the American Civil War and the South's history of slavery and the war to end the slavery.
"Traditional" History is often written by those that were victorious, so it is remarkable to see how in the modern era voices are being heard that would not have been traditionally heard.
A global society means that history is more nuanced with more perspectives present at the table of history.
But there is still a long way to go. Californians will spend lots of time learning about Sutters Fort while Pennsylvanians will learn about Fort Duquesne.
World War I has aptly been called a war of illusions that exposed in sharp relief all the follies of the prewar generation. The war plans of the generals had misfired at once, and expectations that the intensity of modern firepower would serve the offense, or that the war must be brief, proved horribly false. Germany expected to achieve hegemony in Europe as a step toward world power, and instead world powers were called into play to prevent hegemony in Europe. Socialists thought war would bring general strikes and revolution, and instead the war inspired patriotic national unity. Monarchists hoped war would bolster the old regimes, and instead it cast down the remaining dynasties of eastern Europe.
The Romans thought that the Greeks were like children and were constantly quarreling - always keeping themselves disunified and being devious liars. They felt that the Greeks lacked order and were in need of the firm hand of a Pater Familias, to quote Rubicon (great book by the way).